This teachers workshop shows how to effectively use the meditation teaching method in the classroom. When the Risen Christ appears to Mary Magdalene in the garden she realizes that in some miraculous way, He still lives. We will present a meditation video to help students feel Mary’s emotions so that they, too, may share in her joy. Identifying with Mary’s experience will strengthen the students’ faith at this time in history, when belief in the Resurrection is under fierce assault.
Tag: Teachers Workshop
Teachers Workshop: Teaching The Christmas Story
This Teachers Workshop: Teaching The Christmas Story presents the whys and hows of the teaching methods used in the Christmas Story sing-along lesson. Includes teacher-trainer’s script, demonstration lesson, analysis & commentary.
The Three kings
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Storytelling: The Good Samaritan
Jesus was the master of storytelling. The Good Samaritan is recognized as one of the greatest teaching stories in history. During this workshop we will discover the elements that make this parable such a powerful story. Then we will use our storytelling skills to compose a modern-day version that delivers the same message as The Good Samaritan.