Aim: To strengthen your students’ beliefs in the Resurrection of Christ through lecture, Bible study, and a classroom meditation.
Continue reading Classroom Meditation: Teaching The Resurrection Part II
Continue reading Classroom Meditation: Teaching The Resurrection Part II
As you read through this list of classroom teaching methods, you may recognize some that you use often. But have you named them? Naming elevates awareness of what you are doing. You begin to study your actions. You wonder: “when do I use these teaching methods? How well do they work?”
As we explore each of these methods in detail, you will understand your own methods better and apply them more skillfully. Hopefully, you will add a few more methods to your repertoire. Some of the classroom teaching methods listed here may be new for you. As you learn how and when to use more of them, you will become a better teacher, and your lesson plans will gain more attention from your students. Those who do not like to answer questions may enjoy a story or a film study, while those who like to answer questions may be bored by them.
“Different strokes for different folks” is as true in the classroom as it is in the larger world.